Hi, World !

This is my portfolio. Read the juicy bits about me, or you can find out why you should hire me.

About Me

My full name is Pangondion Kurniawan Naibaho. You can call me Dion to make it easier. I was born in Tangerang, on 18th August 1999. I am a person that has an interest in Mobile Apps Development.

Education History

My last education history was at Institut of Technology Del. I majored in Informatics. I completed my studies in 4 years, with a GPA 3.05 out of 4.00. During my studies, I gained a lot of experiences both in learning and socializing

What I’m good at ?

I also have a slight advantage in the following points :


I usually build mobile apps in mobile that use android system operation.


Kotlin is an android programming language that I use quite often in the development of Android apps.


Besides Kotlin, I am also familiar with using Java in the development of Android apps.


In the development of android apps, a data exchange medium is needed between the client and the server. I use the REST API as a medium for exchanging that data.


Another data exchange medium for Android apps that is quite familiar to me is Socket.

Firebase Database & SQL

In building mobile apps, i use Firebase or SQLite to store the datas.

Creative Idea

I'm a person who is able to generate ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problem.

Public Speaking

I'm also a person who is able to convey my thoughts in front of a group of people.

My Experience

Beside the ordinary learning in college, i also have the following experiences :

Lecturer Assistant

Institut Teknologi Del

Software Quality Assurance

PT. Softbless Solutions

Junior Android Developer

PT. Infosys Solusi Terpadu

Junior Android Developer

PT. Jaringan VNT Indonesia

Java (Basic)


SQL (Basic)


Contact Me

You can send me an email through here.